A jacket that fits the level of insulation and heating for any activity and weather using advanced sensors that connect to a designated application which continuously updates the user of environmental and body data.

The jacket’s smart system monitors various indexes from the wearer’s body and the environment and adapts the level of warmth to the changes between day and night, different climatic regions or hours of accelerated physical activity compared to static presence outdoors. In the future, the technology will be applied to additional industries that require temperature regulation, including camping equipment, blankets and home textiles, hospital equipment, work clothes, etc.

The Geomatrix technical department performed a precise specification of the product’s features in collaboration with the entrepreneur, while managing the development process on three parallel levels: electromechanical, textile and software development.
At the electromechanical level – specifying and designing the smart unit, “the brain” embedded in the back of the jacket and the data collected by the sensors, taking into consideration parameters such as: dimensions, weight, life span, production costs, patentability, etc.
At the textile level – various types of textiles were tested, taking into consideration fabric flexibility that would enable continuous change in the level of internal insulation, fabric weight, comfort, look and style, production costs, etc.
At the software level – a designated application was developed for smart phones that controls the smart unit, through which it studies the user.
After reaching the leading technological concept, the system was designed to demonstrate the feasibility and the proof of concept using rapid production technologies. After the proof of concept showed promising results, the Geomatrix technological department managed the production of the first prototype.